
Wednesday, August 03, 2005

dear xxx,

If you were here right this second I'd be asking you to scratch that place right in the center of my shoulder blades that I just can't reach. As it is, the ice cream scoop will do a reasonable job, although it is seriously lacking in any kind of followup action. Especially in the absence of any ice cream around here. But that problem will get remedied on Saturday when the fresh peaches the kids and I picked get converted into some homemade stuff that the ex-inlaws can enjoy too.

I know at times you have mentioned being worried that I might give up all my activities should we become a couple, and I said no very quickly. But I wonder sometimes if you'd be all that happy about the swirl of associated friends and family which intersects with my life. What would you think of this blog world? And would your friends like me? I was thinking for a minute what it would be like to be here this Saturday for V's birthday, with the ex and his parents over. Maybe that would be strange enough to warrant using a "get out of jail free" pass. Or maybe you'd think it was facinating. Who knows?

But really what I am wondering is how do two people with full lives, friends, families find some way to merge the two full lives into one? The whole thing sounds like a huge linear programming problem. It isn't that I'm not willing to give it a try, I just wish I could figure out where the time comes from to do it all. I don't think the Brady Bunch ever had an episode dealing with something like her ex-inlaws coming for dinner or kicking out the husband and all six kids so she could hold her women's circle meeting at the house.

You spend your single life in a full way and then someone comes along who you want to make a big part of it and I suppose you just set aside some of the other things you used to do to make room for the person you'd most like to spend your time with, and include him in other friendships and activities, and ask him to include you in his things, and pretty soon there's no sleeping going on. Or that's how I picture it.
Given so, I guess I should go to bed now, and save up while I can.
Till later,

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