
Monday, December 20, 2004

Seeding Joy (a Haibun)

For the Solstice, I was gifted by a dear woman friend with an evening of lovely warming food, candlelight and friendship. Her solstice gift was a bag of bird seed, symbolizing the planting of seeds in the darkness to germinate and grow as warmth and light return when the days start again to grow longer.

Cunning flicker of energy
Nuthatch promptly breakfasts
On seeds newly offered at my windowsill
Darts into adjacent rhododendron
Slides vertically to the “y” of a branch
To wedge and chisel tiny slivers of peanut, sunflower
Returns before he’s finished, greedy child, to steal another
Gifting unfinished bits to the late sleeping squirrel

Happy Solstice to you all!

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